Friday, September 2, 2011

Old Therapist

My old therapist attempted to contact me today. I suppose I appreciate it. From her perspective, I did kind of fall off the face of the earth six weeks ago. Although, that raises the question of why it took her six weeks to realize I had fallen off the face of the earth.

I found myself stuck on how to respond. I do really wonder what was going through her head. Did she not think I had OCD? Did she think I had OCD but had no clue how to treat it? She wrote that she would appreciate a phone call from me.

Well, I think I started to OCD on how to respond to her. What should I say? What did I want to figure out from her? When should I call her? What did I not want her to know? How would I confront her? (Saying, "Hey, you missed to boat with me! What happened?" wasn't likely to produce the desired results.)

I eventually called a friend and she talked some sense into me. She basically said that I wasn't really going to get any closure from talking to my old therapist and that I should write her a short email saying I was alive and not waste any more effort on the issue. She said that my old therapist and I had different world views and that we weren't really going to figure out our differences in a five minute phone call. Anyway, that's more or less what I did. I even noticed a grammatical error in what I sent but decided to send it anyway.

I guess at this point I just have to live with the uncertainty of not knowing what she thought my issues really were. Another friend of mine once said that closure comes from within. And in this case, she is definitely right.

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